Report Abstract
The problem is that the Branford Fire Department currently has a deficient level of staffing in relation to its high volume of calls for service. It cannot meet the staffing and deployment standard for fire response or provide an equitable level of service to all areas of Town due to a resource deployment model from a singular location.
The purpose of this report is to communicate deficiencies and to provide information and data in support of staffing and deployment proposals, that if implemented would extend the exceptional level of service that the community expects from their fire department.
The report first discusses four contributing factors to our problem; a decline in volunteer staffing, an increase in calls for service, development that is outpacing our service ability, and an inequity of service related to response times.
Two staffing options are proposed to address the problem. The first involves the creation of an EMS division. The second is an expansion of our staffing and deployment with a continuation of our current firefighter/paramedic model. Both models provide for a workforce sized to meet the demands of our service. Each of these proposals carefully balances recognized national standards on fire suppression staffing and deployment, a model that fits Branford, and cost. Both options include a swift request for allocated contingency funds to provide immediate relief and a subsequent three-year plan.
Lastly, frequently asked questions about the Branford Fire Department are answered to provide additional institutional background information.
The Fire Chief, with the full support of the Board of Fire Commissioners, makes the following recommendations, with a full endorsement of the staffing model with the formation of an EMS division.
Staffing Option 1 Summary - EMS Division
BOFC & Fire Chief’s Recommendation